About 5 years or so ago, one of the goals I set was…
To travel to some new destination with my family every quarter and this pic is of me on the balcony during a vacation at the beautiful Massanutten Resort in the mountains of Virginia!
We were there for 5 days and we had a fun-filled time of skiing (Skiing is definitely on my list of my least favorite things to), but tubing and many other things were a ton of fun.
It’s amazing to be able to decide to do something and then create the physical reality by following through to make it happen despite the obstacles!
The looks on my kid’s faces and to see my wife look at me last night and say “We are living our dreams” is absolutely priceless!
So whatever it is you’re working toward, just know that no matter how tough or frustrating it gets, it’s totally worth it!
This all started with Wi-Fi, a hand-me-down laptop, and a dream!
I didn’t even know how to send an email with an attachment or post on social media.
I wanted to not only have a business that made money, but I wanted to create an impact on others while having a lifestyle where I could travel the world with my family…
So I burned the boats and made up my mind that I was going to figure out how to attract clients using the internet, teach other coaches how to do the same and be the best in the world at it, and that’s how the Paid Ad Playbook was born!
Have you read the guide and started implementing the strategies into your business yet?
Visit www.PaidAdPlaybook.com to help you attract your dream clients and charge top dollar while creating a life of freedom and creating greater impact!
Marquel Russell
“King of Client Attraction”