A lot of business owners put out marketing that confuses prospects. Reality is that creating unclear marketing is a big mistake and it can hurt your revenue.
Recently, I had a chance to review the website of one of our clients who has a television streaming service.
I compared the site to Netflix just to see the differences and then I created a summary with three conversion tips for you. Check them out here:
- Conversion Tip #1: Tell people what you do at the top of the page. Before you try and show off your logo or write a cute and clever statement, think about simplifying your messaging for people so they can see what you do right away. Place a simple headline at the top of the page so people can quickly understand.
- Conversion Tip #2: Tell people what they can get. Tell folks the clear benefits of joining your operation so they can easily figure out whether they want to join or get more info. Don’t make them scroll down to look for it because you may end up losing them entirely.
- Conversion Tip #3: Collect their email address. Give folks an opportunity to keep hearing from you. For example, Netflix offers a free trial in exchange for an email address. You may offer something similar or give prospects free content. This is one of the best ways to get people in your database so you can nurture the relationship.
As I wrap this up, know you can always study the biggest competitor out there when it comes to your marketing, even if it’s a billion-dollar company.
Of course, you’ll want to stay authentic, but never be afraid to use the same techniques as some of the biggest players in your niche.
Want more marketing help?
You can get that and a ton of other business growth strategies by signing up for The Wealthy Black Coach™ 5-Day Business Sprint, where I’ll give you a Personal Blueprint to attract and enroll 5 High-Caliber Clients every single week on complete autopilot!
So, if you want more clients and cash, along with a reduced workload, you need to hurry and grab a ticket before the doors lock!
To More Profit, Freedom & Impact,
Marquel Russell 🙂
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