Client Attraction Memo – Issue #11

Candid Conversations with our Client Attraction Connoisseurs February 2022

Each month we give you insight into our business, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Also, give some insight into what we’ve learned from our clients. Plus, so much more…

With two months into 2022, the worst thing that can happen to somebody is that they are too far off track in the first quarter. In this month’s Candid Conversation we dived into the conversation of Goals! Are you on track with your goals or have they fallen off the rails?

What have we seen at CAU while working with our clients or, what have we implemented as a company, that has worked exceptionally well and should be implement right away?

  • This month has been about trimming the fat. It’s about working smarter not harder ([02:38])
  • There are only 2 or 3 tasks that we should be doing every day, this allows you to focus on the important tasks and delegate the other ones ([02:53])
  • Essentially, you should look at your business and analyze where you are overspending. ([03:20])
  • People that get off track make the mistake of expecting an immediate result instead of just focusing on the consistency of the action ([05:22])
  • Having a proper perspective on consistency – consistency is what leads to the end goal and then leads to the ultimate outcome ([06:43])

Conversation Recap

  • Figuring out your model. All models work but you need to focus on what works for you and refine that one ([08:15])
  • Are you maximizing every lead you are gathering? ([09:26])

Let us know your thoughts on this month’s candid conversation with our Client Attraction Connoisseurs!

Million Dollar Insights 

Each Tuesday we conduct live streams inside of our Facebook Group, Get Clients Daily. The live streams are free coaching sessions to help you build a 7-Figure coaching business.
I want to share one of our favorite live streams from this month.

Systemize & Monetize Your Knowledge and Expertise & Turn It Into $100k/Year or $100k/Month

Also, we have our School of Client Attraction Podcast’ that goes live every Monday on all major podcast platforms and our YouTube channel.
One of the most downloaded episodes for this month was “Bahamas Is My New Home”.

You’ve spent countless hours honing your craft. And you know how to get results – the kind clients pay big money for.

But if people don’t see you, you’re missing out on a lot of money.

The great news is, you don’t need to work harder to be seen by your ideal clients.

Just ask Christy Rutherford. She used to work so she passed out. Now she’s soaking up the sun in the Bahamas, working 50% less, and making much, much more money.

In this episode, Christy’s going to show you how you can do it too – step by step. And she’ll reveal the key that lets you get similar success with “paint by numbers” ease.

Take a listen here.

If you have been connected to our content, you know we post a video every single day.

This month, my Million Dollar Insight comes from “How To Help People Buy From You Quicker & Often.

If you want people to buy from quicker and often… watch this video.

I want to share it with you in case you missed it.

Books We Read In December

I’ll kick off what I’ve read in the past month…

I’ve read:

WILL By Will Smith and Mark Manson

The Undefeated Marketing System by Phillip Stutts

Unschooling Rules by Clark Aldrich

Habits of a Healthy Brain by Dr. Loretta Graziano Breuning PhD

Built To Sell by John Warrillow

Event Spotlight

Our 7FS Mastermind clients came together to celebrate their wins but also get the push to reach the next milestones for 2022.

Watch this brief look into our two-day retreat.

If you would like to attend our client-only events, visit to start the easy journey of becoming one of our clients. We’ll love to have you!

Client Spotlight – Christy Rutherford

Christy Rutherford, Women’s Leadership Expert

 I was on the struggle bus when it came to marketing. I was all over the place and although I earned 6 figures the previous year, I was doing it all myself. Was burning out, but living my dream.

 What’s the point of being the greatest coach at what I do if no one knows that I exist.

The biggest benefit I got from CAU was: 

  1. Attracting the right type of client by speaking to what they need.
  2. Building a system where I’m not a one-woman band.
  3. Hiring a team.
  4. Being able to expand my business and hire other coaches.
  5. Building a business and not a bizness.
  6. Assisting my clients with earning over $13 million in salary raises in a pandemic while working from the Bahamas full time.
  7. GREATLY expanding my income and business profits.

The goal this year is to assist my clients with earning $40 million in salary raises this year. The byproduct of that will be surpassing 7-figures in my business this year. GUARANTEED.

Want more clients, profit, freedom, and impact, Apply To Join Client Attraction University.

Ready To Experience Rapid Growth In Your Coaching or Consulting Business?

So if we aren’t connected, here are a few ways to do that:

Our Instagram Pages are:

Marquel Russell: @marquelrussell

Aundrae Gaskin: @aundraevgaskin

Cierra Seay: @cierraseay

The Podcast is at

Our YouTube Channel is

If you haven’t checked out the Paid Ad Playbook, you can do that at

Apply To Join Client Attraction University so you can attract more of your dream clients while working 50% Less, head over to

You can also see a demo of Client Attraction University at

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