Doctor Reveals What The Media Doesn’t Want You To Know About The Corona Virus, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Doctor Reveals What The Media Doesn't Want You To Know About The Corona Virus, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

This podcast episode was inspired by a private conversation Dr. Bobby and I had about the Corona Virus and I felt it was too valuable to keep it to myself, so I wanted to share it with the world.

During this interview with Dr. Bobby Price, you’ll discover things like:

-What the media doesn’t want you to know about the Corona Virus (and why they don’t want you to know)

-The #1 defense you and your family have against the Corona Virus (I don’t see anyone talking about this)

-Why the “Surgical Mask” is a waste of money and why they don’t protect you from Corona Virus

-The potential connection between Corona Virus, 5G & China

-Your chances of dying from Corona Virus (this breaks it down to the exact percentage so you’re prepared).

-The proactive and reactive approach to protecting yourself from the Corona Virus

-Why the Corona Virus is getting so much media attention compared to other more deadly viruses.

And the list goes on.

Please watch, comment and if you get value (which I’m sure you will), share with others…

Do You Prefer Video? If So, Here You Go! Enjoy…

Dr. Bobby’s Website
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Dr. Bobby’s YouTube

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