“Dating is really practicing divorce. Getting with people, to figure out if you kinda want to be with them, and then you get out of it.”
“We teach our young people, try it as many times as you want to until you find The One… but what we’ve done is unknowingly form a habit of getting into things and getting out of them.”
That’s from an old video I stumbled upon this week, from pastor Michael Todd, and… it just got me thinking.
Haters call it “woke Christianity,” and I’m not here to argue if dating is good or bad. To each their own in their stage of their life…
… But the principle is still solid.
Happy marriages understand that, oftentimes ‘The One’ is a myth.
The One is really a choice.
Eventually, you Choose your Love, and Love your Choice.
Feel free to read that again.
Now, this is not your Sunday relationship advice column:)
I bring it up because it’s eerily the same in business.
Dating several business models sounds like fun. You try this, you try that, you hustle here, you partner with such and such…
… And keep “dating businesses” hoping to find The One you can go steady with, go all-in on, dedicate wholly to it.
But it’s ultimately a choice. You’ll have to CHOOSE the business model that you want to rock with, and go ALL IN on it if you want it to bear abundant fruit.
My bro Aundrae Gaskin calls it “birthing a business.” It’s hard, it’s stressful, it needs nurturing, attention… but it’s SO worth it.
So, if you like your business, you like what you do, you enjoy sharing, teaching, leading, coaching, helping others in various areas of their life…
But things are a little rough? Leads are not flooding in, getting sales is hard, your messaging is not attracting the kind of clients you want…
Don’t go to the business bar and start dating again:) We can help you fix it! Your business is closer than you think to bearing fruit in abundance.
In case you haven’t heard of it yet…
“Client Attraction Made Easy” is an interactive virtual bootcamp, with Q&A, exercises, marketing hot seats, live coaching, and countless “a-ha” moments.
After this bootcamp you’ll know how to:
➤ Raise your rates and get high-caliber clients who will follow your lead, get great results, and leave great testimonials.
➤ Implement a “plug-and-play” advertising system to pull in 1,000+ new high-ticket leads per month.
➤ Attract and convert new clients without “posting and praying,” or bombarding people with cold DMs.
➤ Crack the code on writing ad copy so you not only get clicks but also convert those clicks into clients.
➤ Work 50% less and still make more m0ney than ever, all while giving your clients exactly what they want
➤ Earn a consistent income so you can always pay your bills on time (even during a crisis)
If you’ve been wanting a way to raise your income and make a bigger impact without working any more than you do now.
Marquel Russell
“King of Client Attraction”