Somebody asked me recently…
“How many clients do I need to make a living?”
It’s a great question!
Because I know a lot of people out there think they’ll need dozens of clients before they’ll be able to cover their bills and have enough left over to take their family to a fancy restaurant at the weekend.
But honestly?
They couldn’t be more wrong.
Most experts could make a livin’ with just ONE new high ticket client per month if they got everything set up right.
Some might need two, or three, or five…
Kinda depends on your lifestyle I guess?
But it’s never into the double digits, ever.
Don’t get me wrong…
If you want to serve more clients every month? you can do it if you’ve got a client attraction system in place.
(Then you can just focus on getting results for your clients instead of searching for them every day)
But my point is…
Just 3-5 clients a month would put you over 6-figures a year EASILY.
And for most people?
That’s more than enough to make a livin’.
So the question is…
Where are most experts going wrong if they think they need dozens of new clients each month just to keep their head above water?
In my opinion:
They don’t understand their own value.
And as a result…
They have no way of making their potential clients see their value either.
Think about it like this:
If you have a diamond ring that YOU believe is only worth $1,000…
…what are your chances of being able to sell it to somebody else for $10,000?
Not very high, right?
Because it’s a mindset thing.
You have to SEE your OWN value – and the value you can bring to your clients – long before you post on social media offering your help…
Long before you get in a conversation on messenger and ask them to book a call…
And LONG before you get on that call and try to help them see that paying 2k… 3k… or 5k with you, is better than paying $150 to some other expert in your industry.
It sounds easy, I know.
“Believe you’re worth more”.
I’ll be the first to admit it’s a little more complicated than that.
But that’s why people inside C.A.U. get such great results…
Because we give them these simple mindset shifts and help them to structure their offer and messaging in a way that makes it IMPOSSIBLE for them (and their clients) not to see the value.
After that?
Landing as many clients as you want each month feels EASY.
I don’t know if you’d like that?
Some people enjoy hustlin’ hard for their money.
But if you’d rather put your business in growth mode…
Land 3-5 high ticket clients each month…
And watch your bank balance climb past that 6-figure mark…
>>> Just click here to have a chat and we’ll figure out if C.A.U. is the right place for you
Marquel Russell
King of Client Attraction
If you’re looking to grow your current business, I have a free case study video that reveals The Proven System We Use To Attract 50-100 Leads Per Day That ACTUALLY Convert Into High-Ticket Clients. Click here to check it out.
Don’t forget to head over to to get instant access to your free copy of ‘The Paid Ad Playbook.’
If you’re ready to work with me so I can help you attract more high paying clients on demand, go here.
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P.S: Want The Proven System We Use To Attract 50-100 Leads Per Day That ACTUALLY Convert Into High-Ticket Clients? Click here.
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